Help the homeless
You can be sure of one thing: every homeless person never intended ending up where he or she is. A homeless person is someone who made a series of wrong choices. Marginalised by society and very often their family they try to survive by living day by day from the generosity of others. Many would like to be part of society again, but let’s face it: what chances do they have to make a job interview dressed the way they are.
If your heart resonates with these lines, why not make a difference in the life of those nobody cares about? On occasions, you and a few friends could prepare small bags and distribute them to the homeless in your city. The bag could contain a sandwich and a bottle of water/juice. When the weather gets cold, you could add socks in the bag and/or gloves in the bag.
You can also help through organisations who assist homeless people. Find out which organisations there are in your city or visit:
This organisation provides blankets, coats, hoodies, JEANS, clothes, hats, gloves, shoes, back packs, tents, tarps, toiletries, etc., & lunches to the homeless.
Blanket for the homeless was founded by Mariah Smith when she was 21 years old.