Dysphoria is a state of feeling very unhappy and very sad.
Gender dysphoria is a state of conflict between a person’s gender and the gender he/she identifies
himself/herself with.
If you are considering medical transition, please ask yourself the following questions and give
yourself honest answers:
- What is the root cause of my dysphoria? When exactly did I start feeling this way and why?
- Is there any other way to deal with my dysphoria?
- Is medical transition truly the key to my happiness or is it like any other plastic surgery – with no
guarantee of happiness and feeling better afterwards? - Has my therapist shown interest in the root cause of my dysphoria? If yes, has he helped me
work on the root cause of my problem and try to find alternative solutions, rather than suggesting
medical transition? - Has my doctor shown interest in the root cause of my dysphoria? If yes, has he helped me work
on the root cause of my problem and try to find alternative solutions, rather than suggest medical
transition? - Who started the movement of medical transition? What experiments were done? What was the
outcome and conclusion of those experiments? - How well have I informed myself about the medical procedures of transition, the consequences of
those procedures and the consequences of taking hormones? - How well and thoroughly have I researched the topic of medical transition? Have I listened to and
read enough testimonies of those who have undergone a medical transition? - Have I read enough articles, statistics and books about the subject of transition and detransition?
- What is the majority of people saying who have gone through medical transition? Are they happy
with it or do they regret it?